30-Second Survey – Is Congress Less Polarized Than We Think?

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  • 15

    I read recently that two of the newer Congressmen ( military vetern)s were commenting on how in the past the Senators and Congressmen and their families lived in Washington. They not only worked together during the day but also spent off hours with each other, forming friendships and working relationships with members of the oppossite side of the aisle. I understand that it is financially difficult to afford two homes and members with children do not want to take them out of their schools, but in order to get things done in Washington, for the people back home, something has to be done to put our lawmakers working together and back to passing legislation. That is why they are elected.... to make a better life for all of us, not to line their pokets, make a name for themselves, write a book, or run for higher office. One of my friends keep saying Washington D.C. is a s**t hole. I don't know if they are referening the city or the lawmakers. Either way, they should be cleaning it up.  

  • 10

    When it seems the congress is working together in a bipartisn way all looks great for getting things done.  Things seem to blow up though, like the deal for the border where the Republican members withdrew their support and now act as though it is a President Biden failure.  When, in fact, they withdrew at the request of Mr. Trump so he could use it for a campaign issue.