Is a Compromise Even Possible?

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    Women have been robed of the choices that were given to us 50 years ago. It is a way of controling women. It took women until 1920 to gain the right to vote. Even in the 1970's women were trying to gain the right to have their own line of credit. Until then our husbands were the ones who had the credit to buy a home, a car or have credit cards even when the wife was a co-signer. When Roe v Wade became the law of the land women were finally gaining control of their own bodies. It was wonderful to be able to have the right to make that choice. No more back alley abortions. Now because of a few (mostly men) the majority of womens rights are being slowly taken away. I don't know where it will end. They are deciding what books are children are allowed to read, the subjects that are being taught in our schools, the laws that are being passed within a state. How can we take back our control, will be able to take back our control?

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    Pro choice! Do you think men would tolerate being told they have to get a mandatory vasectomy or have someone tell them what they can or can't do with their bodies?!